I moved to the Czech Republic. What should I arrange?

When moving to the Czech Republic from abroad, you have to follow several steps for easy start to live there. Here are some tips which might make your life here easier. Also if you are moving to the capital, check the article How to handle moving to Prague.


  1. Visa, residence permit and registration with local authorities

Depending on your nationality and the purpose of your stay, you may need to obtain a visa. However European citizens generally do not need them. Also if you are planning to stay in Czechia longer then 90 days, you should apply for long-term residence permit. It can be done at a Czech embassy or at the Foreigners’ Police in Czech Republic. Also within 30 days of your arrival, you must register your adress with them (if you have a long-term visa or permit). With that you might need to provide proof of your accomodation.

  1. Health insurance and social security registration

Very important is to arrange your health insurance. European citizens can use their European Health Insurance Card, but we advice you to make aditional coverage. Althought non-EU citizens must arrange health insurance, which is often a requirement for obtaining a visa or residence permit. 

The next step is to secure your social security registration. However if you are employed, your employer will register you. If you are self-employed, you need to register with the Social Security Administration (Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení – ČSSZ) and pay your own contribution. 

  1. Bank account, phone and internet

It is essential to open a local bank account for everyday transactions, salary and bill payments. You have to bring your identification, proof of acoomodation and sometimes proof of employment. Your life will get easier as well if you arrange your local SIM card or sign up for a mobile phone plan. As well as set up internet at home. With both you may need proof of residence and you ID. 

  1. Utilities and services 

If you moved to your own appartement you should arrange electricity, gas and water utilities, if they are not included in your rental agreement. You will have to deal with providers of those things and set new contract. 

  1. Language courses and find local (and expat) communities

Finaly, this is not necessary but it will make your life much easier in Czechia. Sign up for some language courses to know at least basic words. Which you can use in shops, restaurants or institutions. Big help might be finding some local friends which might help you to arrange some things or show you tricks and tips or best restaurants in town. Also if you will find some expats who live here for some time, they might give you good point of view from the outside. 

So start to live in Czechia is not difficult, however it is good to prepare for it. If you want to know more about preparation for moving, check the next article about How to prepare for moving from abroad.

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